Friday, November 09, 2012

What's Your Theological Framework of God? (8 Oct 2012)

Who is God to you?

Each of us have our own personal theology & views of who God is. They are normally shaped from the lenses of the christian teachings and upbringing that we are exposed too. Our theology also developed as we study, reflect upon His Scriptures and the experiences of Him in our life! 

I personally believe all of us need to seriously know and have a somewhat right theology of God. We will never fully comprehend God in this lifetime but what we know of Him will shaped how we live our life for Him today. One thing we also need to be aware of is our theology of God will never remained the same and it cannot be fix and set in stone in any particular framework.

As I try to attempt to mind-mapped my present theological understanding of God, I know God is still going to change and developed it, especially in the next few years as I embarked into seminary soon. 

In the past few months, have always wanted to pen down & mind-mapped my present theological understanding of God. Especially after a series of deep theological discussions with different friends in the past couple weeks, and one of them even showed me his personal diagram & thesis of his present theology. And thought today will be a good afternoon where I can finally sit down and developed the initial raw & sketchy mind-mapped that I did last week.

1 Nov 2012 (My first draft Theological Framework)

After discussions with some people and reflection from my initial theological framework the past week, decided to develop it a bit more and try to make some sense of it.

Developed this second draft of my present theological understanding of God in this framework on how we should live out life for Him in accordance to
“Missio dei” (God's Mission), influence from the few mission trainings that i've been exposed too the past 2 years & "order of our salvation" according to John Wesley. 

8 Nov 2012 (My Second & Present Theological Framework) 

1) I began with God's Sovereignty and His reign in the Kingdom of God. Psalms 103:9, "The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His Sovereignty rules over all”.  The straight continuous line over arching everything shows that God is constant throughout time, from the past, present & future. 

2) Next in accordance to “Missio dei”, God’s mission is to "Reconcile back His Creation Mandate” 

In practical terms this will affect how we view Outreach in social justice (micah 6:8) and reaching out to the leads,last & lost (Matt 25:25-45), in Community(The love for one another in Small groups, the church, etc (John 13:34-35), Fellowship of Believers (Acts 2:37-47), Ministry (In service, being loving channels, ministry of reconcilliaion (2 Cor 5:14-21), Worship in Spirit & in Truth (John 4:24), Prayer as intercessors, praying unceasingly (1 Thess 5:17, John14:13-14) and Word (Study of Scriptures, Scriptures are"God Breadth" (2 Tim 3:16). 

Point 1 & 2 can be summed up in this:
 “From Psalms 103:9, The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His Sovereignty rules over all”, in light of “Missio dei”, God’s mission is to "Reconcile back His Creation Mandate” & we have been commissioned by Him by being a part of His Kingdom plans by being true witness of God in our life by spreading the good news of the gospel by Word, Deed & Sign in the power of the Holy Spirit so that the world may know Jesus Christ.”

3) The continuous line in between shows the order of Salvation according to John Wesley's theology. Starting with Prevenient Grace (Grace for all people,Titus 2:11, John 1:9), Justifying Grace (Eph 2:8-10, Rom 3:21-26). With Sanctifying Grace (Perservering in faith (Heb 3:14, Col 1:22-23), grow in grace through obedience & spritual disciplines), (Anointing, Sanctification & Assurance) in between towards Grace of Glory where our Salvation is fully complete in heaven.

Growing in Spiritual Formation (this is the process of Sanctiying Grace too, where by one grow in christian perfection through discipleship, mentoring, "bands", small groups etc. (2 Tim 2:2)

4) Growing in Christian Perfection by living in the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8, Eph 5:18) and exercising in the Gifts of the Spirit, (1 Cor 12-14) and having the Foundation of God's Truth in WORD (Sound Doctrine) & DEED (Applied Truth). 1 John 3:18 "...let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth"

Point 3 & 4 can be summed up in this:
 “In this journey of Faith towards Christian perfection, we are to hold fast to our Faith, to grow in grace through obedience & spiritual disciplines. And we are to live in the power of the Holy Spirit, exercising the gifts & applying His Truth in Word & Deed!”

Can't wait to see how this current framework change especially after my time in seminary in the next few years! And quoting Adriel Loh, who was one of the main person who inspired me to mind-map our personal theological framework once said this, "The powerful thing about having such a framework is that it gives our lives congruence and consistency. We have a set of beliefs, values and principles by which we can live by and make decisions" . 

And I would like to end of this note, by challenging you to mind-mapped your own personal theological understanding of God too, yet to be fully aware that God can and will change and develop it still. So do not let that framework be set in stone after writing it down. But in the process of it, I believe in your reflection you will see your present thoughts of God being internalised in you and it will help you articulate it to someone the next time they asked you to give a reason for the hope that you have. :) 

1 Peter 3:15 (New International Version (NIV)
"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."

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